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The Gender-Sexuality Alliance

Writer's picture: Julian GuerreroJulian Guerrero

The Gender-Sexuality Alliance was once a well-known club here at Mayfair, but it’s never quite been the same since the COVID-19 Pandemic hit. It’s quickly fallen into obscurity and inactivity, a far cry from what it once was. We’ll be taking a look at the club as it is now and a little bit about its past with club member Robert Foster, as well as reviewing what has caused its decline.

What’s your officer position in GSA if you have one, and how did you come to be that?

Robert: “President, specifically after being an active member of the club last year the role fell to me after the former president graduated [sic].

What is GSA?

Robert: “GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance) is a club to bring people of and people who support the LGBTQ+ community together.

What are some highlights of the club in your opinion?

Robert: “My favorite part is the monthly board game days.

What are the goals of GSA?

Robert: “In addition to bringing people together [sic] people together it also teaches people about LGBTQ+ and its history. Also sometimes we do fundraisers to which we donate to nonprofits.

When do you meet?

Robert: “Monday at lunch in room 212.

Why did you join?

Robert: “To support my friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community.

There is of course more to the club than just this. For starters, GSA has been connected to GLSEN (Gay & Lesbian & Straight Education Network) in the past, though this connection has since been severed. There had previously been larger events that GSA did, such as field trips, but both the scope of the club and membership have seriously declined ever since the pandemic hit. Membership had been mostly respectable between 2021 and 2022, but as of 2023, membership has hit an all-time low.

With that being said, if you happen to be a student yourself, are a member of the LGBTQ+ community or support it, and have nothing better to do on Monday, it’d be greatly appreciated if you came on down during lunch and considered joining.

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