Seniors, as the oldest and potentially wisest of all our classes, you tend to take on leadership roles. This holds true for senior Mackenzie Marker. Mackenzie was the 2022-2023 tuba section leader and has just brought her 4 years in band to a close, as well as being the yearbook editor in chief for this year.
When Mackenzie’s not working for her school programs, she participates in one of her many hobbies, such as listening to music, reading, creating art, roller skating, playing video games, building puzzles and hanging out with friends. Her friends described her as a helpful, funny, and most importantly, a kind person and leader.
Here’s my interview with Mackenzie:
Why did you decide to take on your leadership roles?
I’ve wanted to be tuba section leader since my freshman year, when I was encouraged by some of the older tuba players in the section. They were my inspiration, and knowing they believed in me encouraged me to try and make them proud. As for yearbook, I really enjoyed the first year I spent in it. So when it came time to try out for editor positions for the next year, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I love design, writing, and photography, and being able to combine those ideas together to create a book full of memories for hundreds of people is wonderful.
What was your favorite high school memory?
My favorite memory of high school would probably be going to Disneyland with the marching band freshman year. The rest of the day was a blast, too, going on rides and running around the park with my best friends. I really wish the band had gotten to go again these past couple years, but with Covid, it hasn’t been possible.
What do you like about your leadership roles?
With having a leadership position, the best part is knowing that the staff and my peers have faith in me to do a good job. At the same time, it’s super stressful because I don’t want to mess up and let anyone down. But overall, it’s worth it. Also, being the one who calls the shots on important decisions is a huge plus.
Who were some people that influenced/helped you over the years?
Over the years, both in yearbook and in marching band, I’ve been influenced by my mom. She was part of both programs when she was in high school, too, and I’ve always tried to be like her. I couldn’t have succeeded in either without my teachers, Mr. Eastham and Mr. Philips. But ultimately, my friends helped me a lot, both with the stress and workload. I really appreciate the yearbook staff and my section this year; they mean everything to me.
Advice for others in high school?
Put yourself out there! In all honesty, I’m terribly shy, but band and yearbook forced me to talk to people both to solve problems and to just have a good experience. I really hated it, but looking back, I’m glad I did. It’s not easy joining a group and having no idea what to do, but it’s worth it, because you end up not only with a finished product like the yearbook, but also with some great friends and memories.
What are your plans after high school?
I’m going to LBCC for my general education classes, then I’m going to transfer and major in library sciences! I really want to be a librarian. I love books and quiet spaces, so it seems perfect to me.
* Cover photo courtesy of Mrs. Cummings

Image courtesy of @mmmc.tubas on Courtesy of Lizette Najera/The Windjammer