With Part 2 of Legends Festival soon on the horizon, there’s no better time than now to properly evaluate what we’ve received for Part 1, as there were definitely some mixed opinions.
The majority of the divisiveness in the Legends community absolutely came from the summonable characters that were revealed and released on November 21, 2024. In a previous article, written the day of the reveal, I talked about how the community had been expecting Future Tag characters and how there was both excitement and disappointment with the units that were revealed, a “Legends Limited Transforming Vegito into Blue” and “Goku Black into Rose". People were primarily disappointed with the Goku Black, as a lot of people had been clamoring for a “Legends Limited Goku Black” and Zamasu Tag Character that would fuse into Merged Zamasu. After being out for a little over two weeks, I can say that the criticism regarding both characters were accurate. Vegito Blue has turned out to be a monster in PvP, with his damage, Cover Change Nullification, and new Combo-Breaking Action Nullification wreaking havoc on units with counter gauges like Ultra Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and "Majin Vegeta. On the other hand, Goku Black has proven to be mediocre at best, with his damage lacking most of the time and the lack of Cover Change Nullification acting as a detriment.
While players may argue about the characters that were released, one thing that can’t be argued is the quality of the events that have been released. As of writing this, we have received two Raid events, and a third ongoing, with each one providing 700 Chrono Crystals each, which are mainly used to summon for new characters. They have also released Legends Festival Hoi-Poi, which allows players to exchange coins received from events for other resources such as Slot Removers and Rising Souls, in addition with a guaranteed 500 Chrono Crystals. There have also been two events to obtain event-exclusive characters, Rage Trunks and Majin Buu Saga Vegeta respectively. For free-to-play characters, they have definitely proven their worth, with Rage Trunks dealing great damage and Vegeta being a good supporting unit.
Legends Festival is still far from over and only time will tell what we will receive for Parts 2 and 3.
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