On April 5th, Conan Gray’s highly anticipated third studio album, titled Found Heaven, released to eager fans. With five tracks being released prior to the album’s release, the sound of the album had not been left to the imagination. Upon the release, many pointed out the apparent 80’s influence and sound that the album carries.
While there are many mixed opinions on the sound of the album, most seem to agree that it is not an objectively bad album. Overall, it is a well done and complete work. As someone who has never had a problem with listening to different genres, I found it to be a great representation of the decade. I must admit that it did take two full listens to form an actual opinion of the album. Getting past the sound and diving into the songs, there is more to be found.
Gray has revealed that this album was heavily influenced by a relationship he was in, as well as the breakup. The emotions that typically accompany this can be spotted in many of the songs, like “Lonely Dancers” and “The Final Fight” to name a couple. Along with romantic themes, there are others like religion and the rich. The title track, “Found Heaven,” explores feeling like an outcast within religion because of certain actions, with lyrics like “You’re no demon/ there’s a God in the sky, don’t believe him.” Each song has its own message that is pretty clear to pick out upon listening.
Overall, Gray’s new album is a great addition to his other two releases. It is clear that Gray spent much time creating every aspect of this new era as well as put a lot of effort into making it what it turned out to be. Take a listen!
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