Dear Margot,
“It’s impossible for me to catch up with some of my homework, and it makes me feel stupid. What should I do?”
Hey, reader! I see it’s about that time of year: the time when school starts to really become serious. Classes become harder, homework starts piling up, and suddenly you feel like it’s impossible to catch up with anything. We’ve all been there, and I think I have some good advice that will help you get back on track.
Plan out your days: When you feel like you are being overwhelmed by the amount of homework you feel like you have to do, take a minute to write down how much homework you actually need to get done that day. Whether in a planner or just a piece of paper, this will help you stay more organized and less stressed as it will give you a visual representation of what you need to get done.
Don’t be a workhorse: While getting your homework done is definitely important, it’s also important to take breaks every now and again. Simply plowing through your homework is bound to leave you exhausted and burnt out, which in turn will leave you less likely to catch up on your work. Remember, you’re human and not a machine!
Don’t procrastinate: Procrastination is one of the worst ways to mess up your homework schedule. As the more you procrastinate, the more your homework piles up and the less motivated you are to do it. Instead, try and complete your homework in little increments at the time. Those little increments will build up over time and you’ll be done with your work before you know it!
Hope this helps!
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