Dear Margot,
“Everyone at school seems to be dating, but I’ve never even had a crush. Is there something wrong with me?”
Hey, reader! Ah yes, the classic rhetoric of romance. I’ve heard many people ask questions like this, and it always weighs heavily on them. They think that just because they haven’t considered love or have been unsuccessful in finding it, there is something wrong with them and it tears them apart. However, it’s important to remember that not everybody is the same. Some people may feel like they are ready to go on to that next step, and others feel like waiting for a little bit longer. It’s important that you reflect and decide if you want to go to that next step or not.
Another thing that I recommend is to stay focused on yourself. While relationships are important, one shouldn’t rush into something so serious. The right person will come at the right time, but until then, work on how you can feel good about yourself rather than putting yourself down. Comparison is the thief of joy, and you don’t have to compare yourself to others if it makes you feel bad about yourself, so become the best you that you can be!
Hope this helps!
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