Dungeons and Dragons club, or DnD for short, takes place on Thursday in room 212, once during lunch and once after school. Mr. Cross, the Journalism and Creative Writing teacher, is the advisor who supervises the club. Jacob Robinson is the Club President, Pagna Hoy and Landon Guetzkow are the club’s Vice Presidents. William Bayan runs the club’s advertisement. The lunch meeting mostly involves the President, or Jacob, talking about upcoming events and things relating to the club. Topics may include recent world news and possible funding and advertising. After the briefing, you are free to chat with any of your friends there. After school is where the magic really happens though, since that’s when the campaigns occur.
Campaigns are the highlight of DnD club. During a campaign, you and a few other people are taken through an adventure by the DM, or Dungeon Master. The DM runs the story and is essentially the narrator of the game. You get to make your own character with their own stats, attacks and personality that you play as during the game. I’ve noticed that the thing that blocks most people from joining the game is how complicated the game rules can be. As a player, I can confirm they are incredibly complicated and hard to follow. However, the DMs at DnD club don’t follow the rules to the letter because they don’t want to read through all those rules either. Even if the game is simplified from its regular complicated version, it’s still a blast to play in.
There are currently two ongoing campaigns with about 20 members in total. Overall, it’s a fun club to be in! You can be yourself, geek off with your friends, and let your creative chaos run wild. I’ve even heard there’s going to be an event on the later side of April where everyone is invited to join as an introduction to the game.