Christmas season has started and the city of Bellflower was able to bring it to a great start on December 1st exactly. The city held their annual tree lighting ceremony on the 1st and it was exceptional as always. The event was held at the Friendship Square where the christmas tree is all year round, but isn't decorated until the last week of November. The tree lighting ceremony included singing from both Mayfair and Bellflower high school’s choir, holiday crafts, events for kids, snow sledding and pictures with Santa and the Grinch. There was even snow!
The event started around 6:00 pm, Mayfair’s own Mariners and Showtime were performing Christmas carols in front of the tree. Mayfair neighboring school Bellflower’s choir was also there and sang in front of the tree as well.
Walking around was Bellflower’s cheer squad in their Christmas attire and handing out candy canes. Around 7:20, the mayor took the stage and made some announcements and updates and then brought Santa to the stage. They called upon the crowd to say “Merry Christmas” and just like that the tree was lit!
After the tree was lit, the line for pictures with Santa started. The line was quite long but there was also another photo set up with another christmas guest, The Grinch. The Grinch was accompanied by Cindy Lou Who. Their photo stand was positioned right below the snow and left for a magical experience that kids could definitely enjoy. Along with that, there were games for kids, like at all Bellflower’s community events. They had a giant connect four, coloring stations and some shops with booths outside. There were two snow sledding areas, one for smaller kids and another for teens. Helping out at some of the event areas were Mayfair students as volunteers.
Along with Santa and the Grinch, Miss Bellflower and Miss Teen Bellflower were also in attendance. As well as the fire department; they even had a fire truck on display where kids could ride it and everyone could take a photo in front of it. Although these members of the community did stir up a crowd, another potential member stirred up even more drama and requests for pictures. A furry was amongst the crowd, which definitely led to the younger crowd being intrigued and interested in getting a picture to show their friends. The older crowd/ parents definitely just thought the furry was part of the event as there were whispers of how the city brought a fox this year and wondering what movie it was from.
Regardless of whatever someone did at the event, they most definitely had fun. From getting food at Steelcraft, hot drinks at Postres Cafe or just the Bellflower B.R.I.M activities, the event was full of cheer and a good way to ring in the Christmas spirit.